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I hope this blog is a useful resource for you to learn more about a variety of healthy lifestyle topics – ranging from Functional Medicine, nutrition & food, Farmacy, public health, supplements, herbs, and more…


Supplement Safety: Avoiding Fraudulent Herbs

Nationally recognized store chains, Walgreens, GNC, Walmart and Target came under fire a few weeks ago after third part…


How Good Digestion Can Improve Overall Health

Good Digestion: The Foundation of Good Health So much emerging research has come up recently connecting the integrity…


Basic Nutrition 101

Basic Nutrition 101 Probably one of the most common questions I get as a nutritionist is, “what should I be eating?”…


Why you Need to Stop using Hand Sanitizers

Looking to boost your immunity and overall health? You should stop using hand sanitizers. Hand sanitizers are a very…


How to Avoid Mercury in Seafood: A Fishy Situation

Though increasing fish in your diet is good, it’s important to avoid mercury in seafood. Increased intake of mercury…

organic greens

Should I Choose Organic? Does it make a difference?

Short answer, yes. But organic isn’t always cheap. And for many, it’s harder to find. Though more and more supermarkets…

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