Welcome to the Live Rainbow Challenge!

We’re glad you’re here.
And a BIG congratulations on committing to bettering your overall health through food and nutrition 🎉🎉🎉
Here’s what to expect:
Each week you’ll receive updates that will focus on:
- The week’s nutrition focus
- Practical resources (think recipes, tips, & coaching tools)
- A bonus Lifestyle Challenge that complements our nutrition work
Here we go!
~Lara & Team Rainbow
Before you officially start the program, you have some important pre-work to complete:
1. Complete your Better Nutrition Rainbow Evaluation (found in your Pre-Work Resources).
This will help establish a baseline of your fruit and veggie intake (& we’ll repeat this at the end to see how far we’ve gotten!)
2. Read through the Pre-work Resources.
- Tips on Batch Cooking
- Shopping Resources
- Thrive Market Faves
Current Status
Not Enrolled
Get Started
This course is currently closed